<![CDATA[Official Website of Dana Ridenour - BLOG]]>Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:38:24 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[A Tour of NeverMore Books instead of a blog!]]>Sun, 01 Aug 2021 18:17:56 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/a-tour-of-nevermore-books-instead-of-a-blogHi Friends! As the newly appointed Social Media Director for the Southeastern Writers Association, I decided to drop by my local book store and interview Lorrie Anderson. Lorrie and her husband, David are the owners of Nevermore Books in Beaufort, SC. Lorrie gave us a tour of this amazing bookstore. I thought you guys might like to see the tour. Click below to watch the video and if you're ever in Beaufort, drop by Nevermore Books.
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<![CDATA[My Holiday Gift To My Readers]]>Thu, 06 Dec 2018 16:38:31 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/my-holiday-gift-to-my-readers

A Holiday Gift For My Readers!

Since the holiday season is a time for giving, I've decided to offer all my readers the opportunity to read a seasonal short story that I wrote. I'm happy to report that this short story entitled, The Baby Jesus Thief, won two awards at the 2018 Southeastern Writers Association Workshop. The story received the Award for Excellence in Inspirational Writing and also the Angel Award for Holiday Seasonal Writing. I hope you enjoy the story.
The Baby Jesus Thief
by Dana Ridenour
     Four-year-old Nicholas Atkins huddled in the closet, hidden under his Spider-Man blanket. He held the baby tight to his chest. Nick heard BANG, BANG, BANG on the front door and knew he was in trouble. "Oh please, don't let them find us," he prayed.
     Thelma Atkins had been a beautiful woman, but working two jobs had taken a toll on her once-youthful appearance.
     Another BANG, BANG, BANG rattled the front door.
     "Coming," Thelma yelled. She opened the door and found her red-faced neighbor posed ready to bang on the door again.
     "Ray, are you all right?"
     "He did it again," Ray said.
     "Who did what?"
     "Your son. He did it again. He stole my wife's baby Jesus."
     Thelma sighed. "Please come in. Have a seat," she said, motioning toward the tattered couch.
     Ray knocked the snow off his boots before entering the house. He nodded and sat down. Thelma sat in the chair across from Ray.
     "This is the third time your boy has stolen the baby Jesus from my manger scene. You told me it wouldn't happen again, yet here we are."
     "Are you sure it was Nicholas?"
     "Yes. I saw him from my kitchen window. One minute he was standing there staring at the manger, and the next he was gone and so was baby Jesus.  Your son is a Jesus thief."
     Thelma tried hard not to laugh, but a grown man complaining about a missing baby Jesus struck her as funny until she noticed Ray's quivering hands.
     "Would you like something to drink?" she asked.
     Looking up from his shaking hands, he made eye contact with Thelma.
     She noticed the tears filling his eyes.
     "A glass of water would be nice."
     "Of course. I'll be right back."
     Thelma figured Ray needed a minute to pull himself together, so she took her time. She came back into the living room carrying two glasses of ice water.
     "Thank you," Ray said, taking the glass. "I'm not trying to be an ass, Thelma. It's just--"
     "You don't owe me an explanation, Ray."
     "Yes, I do. It's ridiculous for a grown man to be so . . . so attached to a manger scene. It's just, my wife derived so much joy from decorating for Christmas, and she loved that silly manger scene. I hated dragging all that crap out of the attic every year, but when I saw the joy on her face as she painstakingly placed each decoration in its proper place, it made it all worth it."
     Ray took a drink of his water before continuing. "Twenty-five years ago, Martha saw that manger scene for sale in the department store window when we visited my family in the city for Thanksgiving. She wanted it so bad, but when she saw the price tag, she knew we couldn't afford it. We were newly married, and I had just been laid off from my job at the factory. It was going to be a bare Christmas, but Martha said it didn't matter. She told me that Christmas wasn't about fancy gifts."
     "Martha sounds like she was a wise woman," Thelma said.
     "She was, and extremely practical. She also put everyone else's needs above her own. She was selfless." Tears rolled down Ray's cheeks. He took another drink of water and continued. "I saw her staring at the manger scene when she didn't think I was watching. When we returned home, I couldn't get it out of my mind. All my wife wanted was some silly Christmas decoration for the front yard, and I couldn't buy it for her. I took every odd job that I could find to try to squirrel away enough money to buy that manager scene, but we had bills to pay and food to buy. I couldn't seem to save enough money. I finally broke down and asked my father for a loan. I hated asking my father for anything. He was a spiteful, condescending man who thought Martha was beneath me. I swallowed my pride and groveled at my father's feet for a loan."
     Thelma leaned forward, engaged in Ray's story. "Did he give you the loan?"
     "He did, but not without strings. My father never did anything unless it benefitted him in some way. He made me promise to move home and work with him in the family business. I agreed under the condition he would never tell Martha."
     "So you bought her the manger scene?"
     "I drove back to the city on Christmas Eve, but the department store was sold out, and the only one they had left was the floor display. The store manager didn't want to sell it to me because the baby Jesus was slightly damaged. A store employee had dropped the statue when he was setting up the scene, so Jesus had a small chip on his shoulder."
     Thelma snickered. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to laugh."
     "It's okay. It's funny now, but I was upset at the time. I couldn't go home without the manger scene, so I begged the store manager to sell me the damaged floor model. He agreed and gave me half off, because of the damaged Jesus. I drove home and arranged the scene in the middle of the night. I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, 'cause I was so excited to see Martha's face the next morning."
     "I imagine she was thrilled."
     "When she woke up I had her close her eyes, and I walked her outside onto the front lawn. She was complaining because she was in her housecoat and slippers, but I didn't care. When she opened her eyes and saw the front lawn, she broke down and cried. She said it was the best Christmas gift she ever received. When I apologized and told her that baby Jesus had a small chip, she said that the chip made him even more special to her. So every year, on the first of December, Martha made me drag out all the Christmas decorations, including the manger scene, and she decorated the house and yard for the holiday season. She loved Christmas so much." Tears flowed freely down Ray's cheeks, and his shoulders quaked as he sobbed.
     Thelma put down her glass of water, moved over next to him on the couch, and placed her hands on Ray's. He looked up at Thelma and smiled.
     "Two years ago, in August, my wife was diagnosed with inoperative cancer. By December she was weak and dying, but she made me put up all the Christmas decorations, including the manger. She died two days after Christmas. Just before she died, she told me she understood the cost of the manger scene. Neither my father nor I ever told her about the agreement, but she was my wife, and she knew. She told me that the manger scene was the best gift she ever received, and then she made me promise to put it up every Christmas as a reminder of the real reason for the season. Martha told me she loved me with her whole heart, and then she faded off. She died in my arms a couple hours later."
     Thelma squeezed Ray's hands and then reached up to wipe a tear from her face. "Thank you for sharing your story, Ray."
     "Well, you and your boy seem like nice people. I guess I wanted you to understand that I'm not just a crazy, grumpy, old man."
     "I never thought that."
     "Oh, come on. A grown man nearly knocking your door down over a silly ceramic statue? If the roles were reversed, I would think you were crazy."
     Thelma laughed. "Shall we find out why Nick is so fascinated with your statue?" Thelma asked.
     Thelma walked over to the bottom of the stairs, crossed her arms, and yelled for Nicolas. She cocked her head and listened for a response.
     "He always answers when I call him. I'll be right back."
     "Do you want me to come with you?"
     Thelma nodded, and Ray followed her up the creaky wooden stairs. She opened the bedroom door, but there was no sign of the boy.
     "Nicholas? Nick, where are you?" She opened the attached bathroom door, but he wasn't there.
     "I think I heard something," Ray said, pointing to the closet.
     Thelma opened the closet door, and secreted in the far back corner was Nick holding tight to the ceramic baby Jesus. The paint on the statue had long faded, leaving the infant's face featureless.
     "Nicholas, what are you doing in there? Come out right this minute."
     The four-year-old wrapped his arms tighter around the precious item, guarding it as if his life depended on it.
     "Nick, come out."
     "May I try?" Ray asked.
     Thelma stepped aside, allowing Ray access to the closet. Ray knelt down so he could see the small boy partially hidden under the Spider-Man blanket.
     "Hi, Nick. Do you remember me? I'm your neighbor."
     Nick scrunched up under the blanket, making himself as small as possible.
     "My name is Ray. Can we talk for a minute?"
     Nick nodded.
     Ray sat down and crossed his legs so he was on the same level as the small child.
     "I think you and I share a love for baby Jesus. Can you tell me why you don't want Jesus to sleep in his manger?"
     "No one wanted baby Jesus," Nick mumbled.
     "What was that?" Ray asked.
     "The teacher told us in Sunday school that no one wanted baby Jesus. There wasn't room for him, so he had to sleep in a manger."
     "So you were offering him a room?"
     Nick nodded. "He was cold outside in the snow. I wanted to help him."
     Ray looked up at Thelma and smiled. He looked back at the child. "You're a good boy, Nick. How about if you come out of the closet and we can figure out a way to keep baby Jesus safe and warm?"
     "Am I in trouble?"
     "I can't answer for your mother, but as far as I'm concerned, you're not in any trouble." Ray looked to Thelma for confirmation.
     Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "You're not in trouble, Nick," Thelma said. "Please come out of the closet, son."
     Nick crawled out of the closet, bringing with him the statue that was swaddled in a tattered old blanket.
     Ray slowly got up from the floor, his knees cracking as he stood. The three sat on Nick's bed.
     Thelma noted, "I see you wrapped Jesus in your baby blanket."
     "He was cold, so I gave him my blanket. I told him it would keep him safe."
     Thelma continued, "Nick, we know you were trying to do a good thing by taking baby Jesus, but he doesn't belong to you. Do you understand that he belongs to Mr. Ray? And baby Jesus has a special meaning to him, so you can't keep taking him."
     Nick hugged the statue and looked down at the faceless figure. "I wanted him to know I love him and I wouldn't make him sleep outside. He can sleep in my bed with me."
     "I know you were doing it for the right reason, but you can't take other people's things," his mother said. "It's stealing, and Jesus wouldn't want you to steal."
     Nick's eyes shot open wide. "I didn't mean to steal."
     "We know you didn't mean anything bad," Ray said. "Maybe you and I can both take care of baby Jesus."
     "How?" the boy held the sculpture tighter.
     "It's obvious you and I both love this particular baby Jesus. How about if Jesus sleeps in the manger during the day, and then at night, he can come and sleep with you in your bed? That way he'll be safe and warm at night. But you have to promise to take good care of him. He has special meaning for me. When you're older, I'll tell you a special story."
     "When I'm five?"
     "Will you tell me when I'm five? I'll be older then."
     Ray smiled. "Maybe a little older than five."
     "Six, then?"
     "Okay, when you're six."
     Nick squeezed the baby Jesus and then handed it over to Ray. "He can use my blanket during the day. It'll keep him safe. Then when he comes to sleep with me, it'll keep us both safe."
     Ray looked down at the chipped-shoulder baby Jesus and remembered the true meaning of Christmas. "Thank you for loving baby Jesus as much as I do." Ray looked up at Thelma. The pain and anger had left his face. Years disappeared as he smiled a wide, beautiful smile.
     The perfectly imperfect, chipped-shoulder baby Jesus would always be safe and well-loved.

<![CDATA[Big Thank You To All The Teachers Out There]]>Thu, 25 Aug 2016 20:13:26 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/big-thank-you-to-all-the-teachers-out-thereI would like to take a minute and say thank you to all the teachers out there. Without teachers none of us would be where we are in life.  I was fortunate and had some of the best teachers in the business starting from first grade and continuing until I walked across the stage to receive my Juris Doctor.  Being taught by that special teacher can make a huge difference in a child’s life.  This past June I returned to my childhood home and did a book signing. I was moved to see so many of my former teachers show up for the book signing.  Diane Hager my second grade teacher and Joe Hager, my elementary school principal were two of the first people to arrive at the signing. Needless to say, I was floored.  They were just like I remembered them from my elementary days, cheerful and encouraging.  The day got even better when Linda and Sam Melloy walked through the door. Linda was one of my favorite middle school teachers and she married my favorite honors English teacher.  Seeing these two brought tears to my eyes. There were so many times over the years that I wanted to thank Mr. Melloy but I never made the time to do it. I had two outstanding English teachers in high school, Sam Melloy and Ivy Hawkins. Both were tough teachers who expected their students to put forth maximum effort. From these two great instructors I developed of love of language and an appreciation of literature.
There were two additional teachers who had a huge influence on me during my formative years. Although I haven’t seen either one of them since I graduated from high school, I think of them often. There is no doubt that my work ethic came from my years in band. Paul Davis and Bruce Soderstom were amazing teachers but they expected no less than one hundred and ten percent. In band I learned the true meaning of hard work and camaraderie. My friends and I survived the arduous band camp weeks that took place during the brutally hot Kentucky summers. Although I never pursued music as a career, I still have a great love and appreciation of music. I play guitar during my down time for relaxation and enjoyment. 
To all the teachers and former teachers, I would like to say thank you. You spend years teaching, encouraging, and sometimes even saving children not expecting a thank you.  You have no idea how many lives you have touched and changed by going to work every day. You are true heroes, so thank you. I’ve posted some fun photos of a few of my favorite teachers from over the years.  I hope they don’t hunt me down for sharing!  A special thank you for the lovely teachers who came out to support me at my book signing: Diane Hager, Joe Hager, Linda Melloy, and Sam Melloy. 
<![CDATA[LEARNING THE ART OF DECEPTION wins the Southeastern Writers Association GT Youngblood Award for Short Fiction]]>Fri, 24 Jun 2016 21:54:35 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/learning-the-art-of-deception-wins-the-southeastern-writers-association-gt-youngblood-award-for-short-fiction
Each year the Southeastern Writers Association conducts an exceptionally well run workshop on scenic St. Simons Island in Georgia. The annual four day workshop features classes in both fiction and non-fiction. The conference is small and welcoming. Participants arrive on the first day as strangers and are family by the last day. This is an amazing workshop for both novice writers and published authors. Whether you are working on your first story idea or marketing an already published novel, this conference has something for everyone. 

On the last night of the workshop an awards banquet is held. Writing awards are presented in numerous categories. This year the Southeastern Writers Association presented me with the GT Youngblood Award for Short Fiction for my short story, Learning the Art of Deception. To give you a little history on this short story, it was originally the first chapter of my novel, Behind The Mask.  After the entire first chapter of the novel was unsympathetically axed by my editor during the first round of edits, I was heartbroken. I loved my first chapter and I couldn't bring myself to simply delete it. I rounded out the deleted first chapter which evolved into Learning the Art of Deception. Thank you SWA for such a tremendous honor.
<![CDATA[Book Signing at the Meade County Library a Success!]]>Tue, 07 Jun 2016 12:33:12 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/book-signing-at-the-meade-county-library-a-successOn Saturday, June 4, 2016 the Meade County Library hosted a book signing event for me. I would like to thank Margaret and Elaine from the library who hosted the event and thank everyone who attended the event. We had a great crowd thanks to the social magic of Cletis Evans. A special thank you to Nora Moloney and Bill Endorf for keeping the event running smoothly and for the awesome photographs. It was wonderful seeing all my old friends and making some new friends.  Thank you Meade County Library for a fabulous day!
<![CDATA[Fingers crossed for a win!]]>Tue, 31 May 2016 13:59:48 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/fingers-crossed-for-a-win
Behind The Mask is in the running for a 2016 USA Best Book Award. The winners and finalists will be announced in mid November. Entering writing contests can be a huge pain in the backside for authors. The requirements are different for every contest and if you get one tiny detail wrong, your submission will be kicked back. Despite the irritation, there is no greater thrill than reading an e-mail that begins with the word congratulations.  So fingers crossed for a win!
<![CDATA[Behind The Mask Received A Kirkus Star!]]>Sat, 28 May 2016 20:00:06 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/behind-the-mask-received-a-kirkus-star
I am thrilled to report that not only did Behind The Mask receive a great review by Kirkus, it was also awarded a Kirkus star.  For those of you who are not familiar with Kirkus, the company was founded in 1933, and has been an authoritative voice in book discovery for 80 years. Kirkus Reviews magazine gives industry professionals a sneak peek at the most notable books being published weeks before they’re released. Kirkus also provides book reviews to consumers in a weekly email newsletter and on Kirkus.com, giving readers unbiased, critical recommendations they can trust. Because of this long standing dedication to providing readers and industry professionals with unbiased, critical recommendations, the Kirkus Star is one of the most prestigious designations in the book industry. Thank you Kirkus for bestowing Behind The Mask with this distinguished designation.
Kirkus Review
<![CDATA[Behind The Mask book launch party an enormous success!]]>Fri, 06 May 2016 12:20:04 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/behind-the-mask-book-launch-party-an-enormous-successI would like to thank everyone who attended the Behind The Mask book launch party. The party was held in the picturesque private event room at Wahoo's Fish House overlooking the salt marsh in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. It was a wonderful evening celebrating with old friends and meeting new friends. I was touched by the huge turnout from not just our friends who came from all over the country, but from people in the community who came out to support a local author. 
<![CDATA[In Memory of Pat Conroy]]>Sat, 05 Mar 2016 19:44:06 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/in-memory-of-pat-conroy​I was deeply saddened to wake up this morning and hear that Pat Conroy had passed away. Pat Conroy was one of the greatest American novelists and is and will always be my favorite author. His lyrical prose about the Lowcountry will continue to be poetry to my ears.
To say that Pat Conroy will be missed is the grandest of understatements. The world lost a true artist yesterday, but his legacy will live on in his beautiful novels.
Pat Conroy published his first book, The Boo, while he was a student at The Citadel Military Academy in Charleston, South Carolina. Not long after he graduated from The Citadel, Conroy took a job teaching underprivileged children in a one-room schoolhouse on Daufuskie Island off the South Carolina coast. This job only lasted a year because Conroy was fired for his unconventional teaching practices. Conroy spoke out against corporal punishment. This among other things put him at odds with the school's administration. Conroy wrote about racism and the appalling conditions his students endured in his memoir, The Water is Wide, which was published in 1972. The book won Conroy a humanitarian award from the National Education Association and was later made into the feature film Conrack.
Conroy wrote The Great Santini, which was published in 1976, and later made into a film starring Robert Duvall. The story explored the relationship between a violent father and the teenage son who struggles to win his abusive father’s approval.
Conroy’s next book, The Lords of Discipline, published in 1980, uncovered harsh military discipline, cruelty, and racism taking place within the walls of a prestigious military college. This novel drew heavily on Conroy’s years as a student at The Citadel.
In 1986, Conroy published my favorite of all his novels, The Prince of Tides, which became his most successful book. The Prince of Tides was later made into a highly successful feature film directed by and starring Barbra Streisand, as well as actor Nick Nolte, whose performance won him an Oscar nomination.
 Conroy's sixth book, Beach Music, was published in 1995.  Beach Music is the story of an American who moves from South Carolina to Rome to escape the painful memory of his wife's suicide.
Conroy followed Beach Music with My Losing Season,
South of Broad, The Pat Conroy Cookbook, My Reading Life, and finally The Death of Santini
Conroy’s memoir, The Death of Santini, was published in 2013. The Death of Santini is a heart-wrenching and intimate account of Conroy’s life and his journey to forgive and eventually love his father.  This memoir is best summed up by a quote from Conroy’s bestselling novel, The Prince of Tides: “In families there are no crimes beyond forgiveness.”
In the final chapter of my favorite novel, The Prince of Tides, the main character, Tom Wingo, eloquently said what I think is a fitting eulogy for Pat Conroy’s life. “I came to this moment with my family safely around me and I prayed that they would always be safe and that I would be contented with what I had. I am southern made and southern broken, Lord, but I beseech you to let me keep what I have. Lord, I am a teacher and a coach. That is all and it is enough.”
Pat Conroy was an extraordinary person and a brilliant storyteller. I offer my condolences to his family and friends. Rest In Peace, Mr. Conroy.
<![CDATA[Wonderful new novel by Kristen Hunt]]>Sat, 19 Dec 2015 22:03:41 GMThttp://danaridenour.net/blog/wonderful-new-novel-by-kristen-hunt
If you're looking for a great gift idea for that teen or young adult on your Christmas list, then check out the new fantasy novel by Kristen Hunt. Kristen uses her own Alaskan heritage to weave Eskimo folklore into the novel, giving the book a fresh and original tone. Her descriptions are beautiful and vivid as she immerses you into her fantasy world. Simply stated, Blonde Eskimo will leave you begging for more. I can’t wait for the sequel.

Blonde Eskimo is available now on Amazon. 

Below is a description of Blonde Eskimo. I cheated and used Kristen's description of the book from her author Facebook page.

Part Viking, part Eskimo, Neiva Ellis knew her family’s ancestral home, the island of Spirit, Alaska, held a secret. A mystery so sensitive everyone, including her beloved grandmother, was keeping it from her. When Neiva is sent to stay on the island while her parents tour Europe she sets out on a mission to uncover the truth, but she was not prepared for what laid ahead. 

On the night of her seventeenth birthday, the Eskimo rite of passage, Neiva is mysteriously catapulted into another world full of mystical creatures, ancient traditions, and a masked stranger who awakens feelings deep within her heart. Along with her best friends Nate, Viv and Breezy, she uncovers the truth behind the town of Spirit and about her own heritage. 

When an evil force threatens those closest to her, Neiva will stop at nothing to defend her family and friends. Eskimo traditions and legends become real as two worlds merge together to fight a force so ancient and evil it could destroy not only Spirit but the rest of humanity.

Check out Kristen's website and remember to Like her author Facebook page. 
